Book chapters

S. Bolgherini, E. Diodato (2024) La rilevanza della scienza politica e l’accesso alle istituzioni, in Verzichelli L. (ed) La Scienza politica italiana. 50 anni dopo, Bologna, Il Mulino (EN: The relevance of Italian political science and the access to institutions), pp.127-141, ISBN: 978-88-15-39026-4



S. Bolgherini, A. Lippi (2023), Dal Giano bifronte al baricentro statale. Le relazioni intergovernative tra Stato e Regioni in Italia nel primo biennio della pandemia
in Palermo F./Parolari S. (eds) Le tendenze del decentramento in Europa, ESI
pp. 269-293 ISBN: 978-88-495-5066-5
(EN: From two-faced Janus to the State barycenter. Intergovernmental relations between State and Regions in Italy in the first two years of the pandemic)

cover Eurac Tendenze decentramento

S. Bolgherini, F. Trastulli (2023), Voglia di sinistra: la collocazione sullo spettro politico
in S. Grimaldi/F. Venturino (eds), Un nuovo inizio? Il Partito Democratico e l’elezione di Elly Schlein, Padova, Padova University Press
pp. 75-88 ISBN: 978-88-6938-371-7
(EN: Left-wish: the left-right collocation of the electorate at the Italian Democratic Party’s primaries)
A key finding in the analysis of the Democratic Party primaries concerns the left-right placement of the selectorate. On the occasion of Elly Schlein's election as Secretary in 2023, our data show a further sharp shift to the left of the PD selectorate. This characterization is generalized and particularly pronounced in the portion of selectors who supported Schlein. But it is also a historical result, since never before has the PD selectorate been placed so far to the left. This chapter will analyze the facets that have emerged from the empirical evidence of our research, both by contextualizing the data on the left-right placement of the PD selectorate in 2023 compared to previous surveys and by dwelling on the internal differences related to various subgroups of the selectorate itself.
Download Chapter PDF

S. Bolgherini, A. Grasse (2023), Italien

in Weidenfeld W./ Wessels W. (eds) Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2023, Baden Baden, Nomos, pp. 527-532,

ISBN: 978-3-7560-0446-1




S. Bolgherini, S. Grimaldi (2022), Italy. Hard-to-decipher local elections and voting
in Steyvers K./Gendzwill A./Kjaer U. (eds) Routledge Handbook of Local Elections and Voting in Europe, Routledge,
ISBN: 9780367444334
Local voting in Italy is a particularly complex topic. Municipal elections have no single election day, with contradictory effects: the overall impact of every single municipal round is difficult to assess, but in addition, each round becomes crucial for the national and regional political equilibria, especially when larger municipalities are involved. The local electoral system is extremely convoluted. It is basically a majority-assuring mixed system revolving around the mayor (directly elected since 1993) with appreciable effects in terms of responsiveness and accountability. It is, however, differentiated in several ways according to the size clusters of the municipalities, thus making local voting (and analysis) a real jungle of norms and mechanisms for seat allocation and vote counting. Local and independent lists display a remarkably high presence (around 90% of the total), especially in the small-sized municipalities that are a large percentage of all Italian municipalities. This makes the local arena only apparently nonpoliticized and makes it difficult to discern the nonetheless present role of nationwide parties.

S. Bolgherini, A. Lippi (2022), Politicizzazione senza istituzionalizzazione: il rapporto fra Stato e Regioni nella governance della crisi
in G. Capano, G. Sandri (eds), Politica in Italia, Bologna, Mulino, pp. 167-186, ISBN: 978-88-15-29854-6
(EN: Politicization without institutionalization: the relationship between State and regions in crisis governance)

S. Bolgherini, A. Grasse (2022), Italien
in Weidenfeld W./ Wessels W. (eds) Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration 2022, Baden Baden, Nomos,
pp. 527-532, ISBN: 978-3-8487-8877-4





S. Bolgherini, D. Vampa (2021), Populism and representation at the regional and local levels

in Loughlin J./ Callanan M. (eds) A research agenda for sub-national government, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, pp. 149–162

[ISBN 9781839106637, doi: 10.4337/9781839106644.00015]

This chapter provides an overview of recent developments in subnational representative democracy and considers the role played by new political actors. A review of the literature on political cleavages introduces populism and mobilization around ‘new politics’ issues, which have led to a shift in the traditional patterns of political competition. A reflection on the presence of ‘non-partisan’ actors in the local and regional electoral arena also suggests that the rise of ‘civic’ or ‘local’ lists and independent candidates poses new challenges to traditional ‘statewide’ parties. Finally, since the changes in the electoral dimension have affected the composition of local and regional governments, their implications for subnational policy-making processes and the quality of democracy are addressed. The conclusion highlights the importance of exploring in more detail the ‘multi-level’ nature of contemporary populism by considering how it might be linked not only to ‘ethno-regionalism’ but also to ‘state-wide’ nationalism.

in Engl, Alice/Pallaver, Günther/Alber, Elisabeth (eds), Politika 2021. Annuario di politica dell’Alto Adige, Raetia, Bozen, 
pp. 299-318 [ISBN: 9788872837719]
(EN: The 2020 local elections in Trentino: light-and-shade results for all parties) 







S. Bolgherini (2021)Fusioni di comuni e affluenza alle urne: la (contro)tendenza in Italia,

in Degni M. (a cura di), IV Rapporto Cà Foscari sui comuni 2021 - La risposta dei comuni alla crisi pandemica, Castelvecchi, Roma, [ISBN 9788832905991], pp.114-133

(EN: Municipal amalgamations and electoral participation: the Italian (counter)trend)









S. Bolgherini (2019)Germania: l’onda verde,

in M. Valbruzzi (ed), L’Italia sovranista e la sfida all’Europa. Le elezioni europee ed amministrative 2019, pp. 233-241, Bologna, Istituto Cattaneo

[ISBN: 978-88-941126-6-5; ISSN: 2611-5778; DOI: 10.31484/2611-5778_41]

(EN: Germany: the Green Wave at the 2019 EU election)




S. Bolgherini (2019)La Germania tra continuità e nuovi scenari,

in F. Niglia  e D. Pasquinucci (a cura di), La Germania nell’Unione Europea. Stereotipi e ruolo storico, pp. 123-142, Istituto Italiano Studi Germanici [ISBN: 9788895868400]

(EN: Germany between Continuity and New Scenarios)










S. Bolgherini (2018)Politische und institutionelle Entwicklungen auf zentralstaatlicher Ebene. Das Gespenst eines neuerlichen Umbruchs,

in A. Grasse, M. Grimm, J. Labitzke (eds.), Italien zwischen Krise und Aufbruch. Reformen und Reformversuche der Regierung Renzi, pp. 31-58, VS, Wiesbaden,

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-16092-0_2

(EN: Political and Institutional Changes at the National Level: the Ghost of a new Transition)







S. Bolgherini, S. Grimaldi (2016)Le elezioni regionali di Maggio. Il consolidamento del tripolarismo,

in Piattoni S., Carbone, M. (a cura di), Politica in Italia, pp. 87-106, Bologna, Il Mulino [ISBN: 9788815266224]

DOI: 10.978.8815/328953










S. Bolgherini, S. Grimaldi (2016)The May Regional Elections. Consolidation of the Tripolar System,

in Piattoni S., Carbone, M. (eds.), Italian Politics. Governing under Constraint, pp. 80-98, Oxford/NY, Berghahn, [doi:10.3167/ip.2016.310106; ISBN: 978-1-78533-568-6]









S. Bolgherini, A. Lippi (2016)Italy. Remapping Local Government From Re-Allocation and Re-Shaping to Re-Scaling,

in Sadioglu U., Dede K. (a cura di), Theoretical Foundations and Discussions on the Reformation Process in Local Governments, pp. 265-287, Hershey, IGI

[ISBN: 9781522503170],

doi: 10.4018/978-1-5225-0317-0.ch011

In the last decades Italy faced a long political transition, which displayed its effects also on the institutional policy of this country. The changes occurred in these years on local and meso-governments will be scrutinized in this chapter looking at the different strategies adopted. Remapping local government in Italy fundamentally meant three different ‘R-approaches': a Re-allocation of legal power (decentralization in the light of NPM) (from 1990 to 2000); a Re-shaping of the institutional setting (devolution) in favour of subsidiarity (from 2001 to 2009); a Re-scaling of functions in terms of recentralization (upscaling) and a search for an optimal territorial scale in times of economic crisis (since 2008).


S. Bolgherini, C. Dallara (2016), La razionalizzazione organizzativa e territoriale tra crisi economica e post-NPM,

in Eid. (a cura di), La retorica della razionalizzazione. Il settore pubblico italiano negli anni dell’austerity, pp. 9-23, Bologna, Istituto Cattaneo 

[e-ISBN: 9788894112610; ISBN: 9788894112696]

(EN: Organizational and Territorial Rationalization between the Economic Crisis and the post-NPM Wave)


S. Bolgherini, C. Dallara (2016), La retorica della razionalizzazione,

in Eid. (a cura di), La retorica della razionalizzazione. Il settore pubblico italiano negli anni dell’austerity, pp. 177-198, Bologna, Istituto Cattaneo 

[e-ISBN: 9788894112610; ISBN: 9788894112696]

(EN: The Rhetoric of Rationalization)




S. Bolgherini (2016)Partecipazione,

in Calise M., Musella F. (eds), Concetti chiave,

pp. 167-177, Bologna, Il Mulino

[ISBN: 9788815267900]

(EN: Political Participation)








S. Bolgherini, S. Grimaldi (2015), La fine del bipolarismo regionale tra destrutturazione e diversificazione,

in Bolgherini S., Grimaldi S. (a cura di), Tripolarismo e destrutturazione. Le elezioni regionali del 2015, pp. 9-41, Bologna, Istituto Cattaneo [ISBN: 9788894112603]

(EN: The End of Italian Regional Bipolarism)









G. Baldini, S. Bolgherini (2015), So similar, yet so different: Alternative für Deutschland and the Pirate Party

in D'Ottavio G., Saalfeld T. (eds.), The German Election of 2013: Breaking the Mould of Post-Unification Politics?, pp. 181-202, Farnham, Ashgate  ISBN: 978-1472444394

Political parties are facing serious challenges in Europe, as more generally in advanced democracies. Decreasing party identification, increasing anti-party sentiments, fragmentation and personalization, rise of fringe parties: the catalogue is long and well known by now (Webb 2011). Although some recent works point to more mixed evidence on the crucial matter of party decline (Norris 2011; Dalton et al. 2011), parties nonetheless are in trouble. This is particularly evident in countries where the global economic crisis, which started in 2007–8, has hit hard, like in Southern Europe (Verney and Bosco 2013). These challenges include decreasing electoral turnout and high mobilization of social movements – such as the Indignados in Spain 2011 – but also the breakthrough of new political parties – for instance, Golden Dawn in Greece 2012 and the Five Star Movement (M5S) in Italy, which gained 25 per cent in the 2013 polls. Turnout decline is part of a longer trend that involves most European countries (Franklin 2004), including those where parties are still deemed to command a reasonable amount of trust. On this topic, we now have a rich literature. On the other side, new parties have only recently started to attract a great deal of scholarly attention (Lucardie 2000; Deschouwer 2008; Litton 2013). True, the two latest party families that rose to national prominence in many European countries during the 1980s – Green parties and, especially, radical-right populists, henceforth RRP – have been widely researched (Müller-Rommel and Poguntke 2001; Mudde 2013). However, the situation is different for more recently born parties (defined here as parties born in the past decade).


S. Bolgherini, P. Messina (2014) Riordino territoriale e sostenibilità istituzionale: gli enti intermedi in sei regioni d’Europa. Un’introduzione

in S. Bolgherini, P. Messina (a cura di), Oltre le Province. Enti intermedi in Italia e in Europa, Padova University Press [ISBN: 9788897385967]

(EN: Territorial Reform and Institutional Sustainability: A Comparative Introduction)

S. Bolgherini (2014) Governance fra Comuni polvere e zone rurali in Germania: gli Ämter nel Land Brandeburgo

in S. Bolgherini, P. Messina (a cura di), Oltre le Province. Enti intermedi in Italia e in Europa, Padova University Press [ISBN: 9788897385967]

(EN: Governance in small rural areas: the case of Ämter in German Land Brandeburg)

S. Bolgherini (2014) Governance territoriale e istituzionale in Spagna: le Mancomunidades in Andalusia

in S. Bolgherini, P. Messina (a cura di), Oltre le Province. Enti intermedi in Italia e in Europa, Padova University Press [ISBN: 9788897385967]

(EN: Territorial and Institutional Governance in the Andalusian Mancomunidades)



S. Bolgherini (2014), Germania: stabilità europea, sfide domestiche,

in Valbruzzi M., Vignati R. (a cura di), L'Italia e l'Europa al bivio delle riforme, Bologna, Istituto Cattaneo, pp. 243-253

[ISBN: 978-88-904357-9-9]

(EN: Germany: European stability, domestic challenges)










S. Bolgherini, G. Baldini (2014), Così simili, così diversi: Alternative für Deutschland e Piratenpartei a confronto,

in D’Ottavio G., Saalfeld T. (a cura di), La Germania della Cancelliera. Le elezioni del 2013 all’ombra della crisi europea. Bologna, Il Mulino, 2014, pp. 207-232 [ISBN: 9788815254856]












F. Grotz, S. Bolgherini (2011) Im Schatten der Großen Koalition? Bundespolitik und Landtagswahlen unter Merkel I und Merkel II

in O. Niedermayer (ed.), Die Parteien nach der Bundestagswahl 2009, VS Verlag, Wiesbaden, pp. 307-324

[ISBN: 9783531179353]

(EN: In the Shadow of the Grand Coalition? Federal Politics and Regional elections in Germany during the Merkel governments),

doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-93223-1_14







S. Bolgherini (2010), I Comuni nell’Unione Europea. La lunga marcia del quarto livello in Europa

in N. Oddone, M.A. Lopez (compiladores), Ciudades y los Poderes Locales en las Relaciones Internacionales Contemporáneas, Granada, UIM, pp. 301-325

[ISBN: 9788493777715]

(EN: Municipalities in the EU: the long way of the fourth level in Europe) 






S. Bolgherini, F. Musella (2010), La partecipazione, in G. Pasquino e F. Venturino (a cura di), Il Partito Democratico di Bersani. Persone, profilo, prospettive,

Bologna, Bononia University Press, pp. 103-120

[ISBN: 9788873955610]

(EN: Participation in the Italian Democratic Party)









C. Baccetti, S. Bolgherini, R. D'Amico, G. Riccamboni (2010), Introduzione. Alle radici della politica,

in Id. (a cura di), La politica e le radici, Novara, Liviana,

pp. XV-XLVIII [ISBN: 9788876756429]

(EN: At the roots of Politics)









S. Bolgherini, F. Grotz (2010), Elezioni regionali e Grande coalizione in Germania negli anni del governo Merkel (2005-2009),

in C. Fusaro (a cura di), Governi locali e regionali in Europa fra sistemi elettorali e scelte di voto, Firenze, SISE,

pp. 257-278 [ISBN: 9788890781803/9788896074237]

(EN: German regional elections and Grand Coalition during the first Merkel government)



S. Bolgherini, F. Grotz (2010), Introduzione. La Grande coalizione 2005-2009: episodio o svolta?

in Id. (a cura di) (2010), La Germania di Angela Merkel, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 7-21 [ISBN: 9788815138538]

S. Bolgherini, F. Grotz (2010), Politica multi-livello ed elezioni nei Länder

in Id. (a cura di) (2010), La Germania di Angela Merkel, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 67-89 [ISBN: 9788815138538]

F. Grotz, S. Bolgherini (2010), Conclusioni. L’ombra lunga della Grande coalizione

in Id. (a cura di) (2010a), La Germania di Angela Merkel, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 251-264 [ISBN: 9788815138538]

DOI: 10.978.8815/229700




S. Bolgherini, F. Grotz (2010) Introduction: The Grand Coalition 2005-2009 – Episode or Turning Point?,

in Id. (eds.), Germany after the Grand Coalition. Governance and Politics in a Turbulent Environment. New York, Palgrave,

pp. 1-11 [ISBN: 9780230622852],

doi: 10.1057/9780230115415_1

S. Bolgherini, F. Grotz (2010), Multi-level Party Politics during the Grand Coalition: Electoral Outcomes at Länder Level,

in Id. (eds.), Germany after the Grand Coalition. Governance and Politics in a Turbulent Environment. New York, Palgrave,

pp. 49-68 [ISBN: 9780230622852],

doi: 10.1057/9780230115415_4

F. Grotz, S. Bolgherini (2010), Conclusion: The Long Shadows of the Grand Coalition

in Id. (eds.), Germany after the Grand Coalition. Governance and Politics in a Turbulent Environment. New York, Palgrave,

pp. 195-206 [ISBN: 9780230622852],

doi: 10.1057/9780230115415_12




S. Bolgherini (2010), Participation,

in T. Lowi, M. Calise, Hyperpolitics. An Interactive Dictionary of Political Science Concepts. Chicago, University of Chicago Press,

p. 169-170 [ISBN: 9780226091013]








S. Bolgherini, F. Musella (2009), Le primarie di Aversa,

in G. Pasquino, F. Venturino (a cura di), Le primarie comunali in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino, pp. 47-69

[ISBN: 9788815130914]

(EN: Primary elections in the city of Aversa)







S. Bolgherini (2008), Les pouvoirs internationaux des Régions italiennes dans une décennie de réformes (1996-2006),

in F. Massart-Piérard (sous la dir.), L'action extérieure des entités subétatiques: étude comparée, l'Union européenne et l'Amérique du Nord, UCL, Presses Universitaires de Louvain, pp. 105-122  

[ISBN: 9782874631283]

(EN: The International Power of Italian Regions along a decade of reforms)






J. Loughlin, S. Bolgherini (2006)Regional elections in Italy: National Tests or Regional Affirmation?

in D. Hough, C. Jeffery (eds.), Devolution and Electoral Politics, Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 140-156

[ISBN:978-0-7190-7330-4, ISBN10:0-7190-7330-8]



S. Bolgherini (2003)La participation des régions au Comité des Régions: façade ou substance?

in Reynié, Dominique (sous la direction), Les européens en 2003, Paris, Odile Jacob - Fondation Robert Schuman, pp. 147-195

[ISBN: 273811248X

(EN: The participation of the Regions to the EU Committee of the Regions)



S. Bolgherini, V. Dreier (2001)Lombardei

in T. Fischer, S. Frech (Hrsg.) Baden-Württemberg und seine Partnerregionen, Kohlhammer, Stuttgart, pp. 147-178

(EN: Lombardy Region)

                  Bolgherini Vampa 2021
                    Bolgherini Brunazzo 2021
                Bolgherini 2021
Bolgherini 2019 Istituto Cattaneo
S. Bolgherini (2019), La Germania tra continuità e nuovi scenari
Bolgherini 2018
Bolgherini Grimaldi 2016
Bolgherini Grimaldi 2016 Italian Politics
Bolgherini Lippi 2016
Bolgherini 2016 Partecipazione
Baldini Bolgherini 2015
Bolgherini 2014
Bolgherini Baldini 2014
Grotz Bolgherini 2011
Bolgherini 2010
Bolgherini Musella 2010
La Germania di Angela Merkel
Germany after the Grand Coalition
Bolgherini 2010 Participation Hyperpolitics
Bolgherini Musella 2009
Bolgherini 2008







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