I am the Principal Investigator (PI) of  UNVEIL (Understanding Vulnerability to Expand Insight on Local units),

a University Ministry-funded national 2022 PRIN project, which includes the University of Siena and the University of Macerata as partner units.


The project's aim is to conceptualize local vulnerability and measure it to provide policymakers with the necessary knowledge to implement appropriate strategies with an “understand-to-act” approach.

The most recent (financial, migratory, pandemic) crises have exposed rooted patterns of inequalities across territories, which have unveiled their different levels of vulnerability and, consequently, their different capacity to resist and react (degree of resilience).

However, the territories called upon to face crises are not just the nation-states or supranational regions like the EU. Rather all territorial levels, including local units, must be equipped with adequate tools and strategies to cope with crises.

To address the vulnerability, policymakers must be aware of its multidimensionality, which accounts for 3 main dimensions: the Environmental; the Socio-economic; and the Political Institutional ones.


For more insights, have a look at the UNVEIL website.



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Last update: 19/08/2024 18:32:04
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